PSEs will be converted to career status upon reaching 24-months of relative standing
- Clerk PSEs assigned to offices Grade 21 or higher will be converted to Full-Time Flexible with such assignments made in accordance with the Clerk Craft provisions of Art. 37.4
- Clerk PSEs assigned to Grade 20 offices will be converted to Part-Time Flexible
- MVS PSEs assigned in any size office will be converted to Part-Time Flexible
- PSEs converted under this provision start at a new Step GG in Grades 5-7 and Step A in Grade 8.
- Automatic Conversion does not apply to PSEs assigned to Grade-4 RMPOs
- The “Filling of Residual Vacancy MOU” and Article 37.5.D remains in full force and effect
- MVS Craft Conversions will be made in accordance with Article 39.2.A.11
- Conversion occurring earlier to 24-months start at Step FF for Grades 5-7 and Step-A for Grade 8
Other PSE Provisions
- Forty (40) hours of advanced annual leave upon completion of an initial 360-day PSE appointment in Level 20 offices and above
- PSEs assigned to Level 4 RMPOs receive an additional one (1) hour of paid annual leave per pay period upon completion of two (2) 360-day appointments
- PSEs assigned to Level 4 RMPOs upon completion of two 360-day appointments will receive 40 hours of advance leave
- PSEs will be offered one (1) non-scheduled day each service week except during peak season with notice the Wednesday the week prior
PSE Staffing
- The 12 PSEs per District assigned to Level 4 RMPOs will no longer count against the 20% District cap
- 10 PSEs in the 46 Package Support Annexes (PSAs) will not count against the District cap (for a total maximum of 460 PSEs) and will be allowed to work in any facility in the installation the PSA is attached to
- A four (4) weeks “ramp-up” period prior to the start of accounting period 3, the 20% PSE District cap will be temporarily increased by 1% per week equating to no more than a 4% increase
- New protections for the OTDL during “ramp-up” whereby prior to utilizing a PSE more than 8 hours in a day or 40 hours in a service week, qualified and available employees on the appropriate OTDL will be utilized. No requirement to use an OTDL employee on the second non-scheduled at the penalty rate prior to using a PSE in excess of 40 hours
Uniform/Work Clothes Program Allowances
- 2.5% increase to the uniform/work clothes allowances in 2022, 2023, and 2024
- Delivery/Sales Service Distribution Associate (DSSDA) will receive Type 1 uniform allowance
- New “Rollover” program where unused funds will carryover and be available for use beginning twelve (12) months after the end of each anniversary year
Additional Work Rule Improvements
- Remote Encoding Center staffing ratio changed to 62% Full-Time Regular and 38% PSE and all career duty assignments are Full-Time Regular
- 90-day waiting period to use annual leave eliminated for new career employees with 90-days continuous service prior to their conversion.
- Updated the Deaf and Hard of Hearing MOU
- Work Environment Improvement Task Force
- Work Place Free of Harassment
- Enhanced and Expanded Services
- Environmental/Sustainability issues, EAP, and Child and Elder care, included in the jurisdiction of the National Labor Management Committee
- District Safety Committees made permanent
- Right of Union Officials to Enter Postal Installations
- Regional Safety and Health Representative Training Opportunities
- Repromotion MOU
- Article 8 Task Force to address excessive overtime, particularly in relation to non-list employees
- Election Mail Task Force MOU
- Full per diem for employees training at the NCED facility
Additional Clerk Craft Provisions
- Window training starts within 10-days after posting of the senior bidder
- Updated NTFT duty assignments language
- Pilot program to test new pecking order for the assignment of PTF Hub Clerks
- Filling of Residual Vacancy MOU updated
Additional Motor Vehicle Service Craft Provisions
- PTFs identified for conversion to FTR converted within 28-days
- APWU will have opportunity to submit recommendations on new vehicles prior to specifications being sent to contractors and before manufacturing and completion of new vehicles
- National committee established to address training initiative and opportunities
- HCR limitation on Subcontracting MOU remains in full force and effect
Additional Maintenance Craft Provisions
- No additional custodial staffing packages will change from MS-47 TL-3 to TL-5 for life of the contract
- Change the calculation method of PS Form 4852 for Juneteenth Holiday
- Annual cap on the number of times an employee can be involuntarily assigned to off-site training courses
- Career employee may request to be tested for maintenance craft positions and if rated eligible may request placement on the appropriate in-service register.
- Updates to the posting of relief assignments in the craft
- Agreement to consolidate and upgrade multiple legacy jobs
- Employees traveling to NCED for training receive full per diem for length of stay
Additional Support Services Craft Provisions
- In Material Distribution Centers Maintenance Mechanic General Grade 7 eliminated and Building Equipment Mechanic Grade 9 added
- Penalty Overtime provisions applied to Operating Service employees
Editors Note: There was a correction on 12/16 to Grade 8 Pay Scale - Steps A-O will be moved up one step; it was previously posted as Steps B-O.
Voting on the Tentative Agreement for the new APWU-USPS contract will start with a mailing. In addition to a ballot, the ratification mailing includes a copy of the Tentative Agreement; a summary of highlights of the proposed agreement; the official statement of the Rank-and-File Bargaining Advisory Committee; a letter from APWU President Mark Dimondstein, and a postage-paid return envelope.The single-question ballot will allow members to vote ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ on a contract, which, if ratified, would expire on September 20, 2024.
Download the TA
- 2021-2024 Tentative Agreement-Ratification Packet Version