Privacy policy onward transfer

In an increasingly globalised world, the transfer of personal data across international borders has become a common practice for many organisations. However, ensuring the protection and privacy of this data is essential. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) sets strict guidelines for international data transfers to safeguard the rights of individuals. Organisations must navigate these regulations to ensure compliance and maintain the trust of their customers. This article explores the key regulations and frameworks governing international data transfers under the GDPR. With the guidance of a GDPR consultant, organisations can understand the requirements, implement appropriate safeguards, and facilitate secure and lawful international data transfers.

Table of Contents


The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) implemented by the European Union (EU) in 2018 is a comprehensive legal framework that protects individuals’ personal data. It establishes rules for collecting, processing, and storing data within the EU member states, with the aim of granting individuals greater control over their information.

International data transfers play a vital role in the global economy, enabling seamless communication, innovation, and economic growth. Organisations exchange data across borders for various purposes, such as providing services and collaborating with partners, making regulations and frameworks essential to ensure secure and compliant data transfers.

Regulations and frameworks are necessary to govern international data transfers effectively. They protect individuals’ privacy rights, ensure data security, and maintain trust in cross-border data flows. Measures like the GDPR provide guidance and safeguards, promoting responsible data handling practices and balancing the facilitation of data transfers with the protection of individuals’ rights.

Overview of GDPR

Explanation of GDPR’s objectives and scope

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a comprehensive legal framework enacted by the European Union (EU) to protect the privacy and personal data of individuals. The GDPR’s primary objectives are to give individuals greater control over their data, establish clear guidelines for organisations handling personal information, and harmonise data protection laws across the EU member states. It applies to both data controllers (organisations that determine the purposes and means of data processing) and data processors (entities that process data on behalf of controllers).

Key principles of GDPR related to international data transfers

The GDPR incorporates essential principles that guide the processing and transfer of personal data, including those related to international data transfers.

  1. Lawfulness, fairness, and transparency: Organisations must process personal data lawfully, fairly, and transparently, ensuring individuals are informed about the processing activities and their rights. This principle applies to international data transfers as well, requiring organisations to provide transparent information to individuals regarding the transfer of their data outside the EU.
  2. Purpose limitation: Personal data must be collected and used for specified, explicit, and legitimate purposes. Organisations must ensure that any international data transfer aligns with the original purpose for which the data was collected and processed.
  3. Data minimization: Organisations must limit the collection and storage of personal data to what is necessary for the intended purpose. When conducting international data transfers, organisations should only transfer the minimum amount of data required to achieve the specified purpose.
  4. Accuracy and storage limitation: Personal data must be accurate, kept up-to-date, and stored for no longer than necessary. Organisations must ensure that the personal data transferred internationally remains accurate and that unnecessary data is not transferred or retained.
  5. Integrity and confidentiality: The GDPR requires organisations to implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure the security, integrity, and confidentiality of personal data. This applies to international data transfers as well, necessitating the use of secure transfer mechanisms and data protection practices.

GDPR’s extraterritorial reach and impact on international data transfers

The GDPR has extraterritorial reach, meaning it applies not only to organisations based in the EU but also to entities outside the EU that process personal data of EU residents in connection with offering goods or services or monitoring their behaviour. As a result, organisations worldwide are affected by the GDPR when handling personal data of individuals in the EU.

This extraterritorial reach of the GDPR significantly impacts international data transfers. Organisations outside the EU must comply with the GDPR’s requirements when transferring personal data from the EU to their jurisdictions. They must ensure that adequate safeguards and legal bases, such as adequacy decisions, standard contractual clauses (SCCs), or binding corporate rules (BCRs), are in place to protect the transferred data.

The GDPR’s extraterritorial reach has led to a broader global recognition and adoption of stronger data protection standards. Organisations worldwide are increasingly aligning their data protection practices with the GDPR’s requirements to facilitate international data transfers and demonstrate their commitment to data privacy. The GDPR’s impact on international data transfers has contributed to a more robust and consistent approach to data protection globally.

Legal Bases for International Data Transfers under GDPR

Adequacy decisions

  1. Definition and criteria for adequacy: Adequacy decisions are determinations made by the European Commission that a non-EU country or territory ensures an adequate level of data protection in accordance with the GDPR. Adequacy decisions are based on an evaluation of the country’s legal framework, respect for fundamental rights, and effective oversight and enforcement mechanisms for data protection.
  2. Overview of countries with an adequacy decision: The European Commission has issued adequacy decisions for certain countries, including Andorra, Argentina, Canada (for commercial organisations), Guernsey, Isle of Man, Israel, Japan, Jersey, New Zealand, Switzerland, and Uruguay. These decisions allow for the free flow of personal data between the EU and these countries without the need for additional safeguards.

Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs)

  1. Explanation of SCCs and their purpose: Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs), also known as model clauses, are pre-approved contractual provisions established by the European Commission. They serve as a legal mechanism to ensure that personal data transferred outside the EU receives an adequate level of protection. SCCs contain provisions that impose data protection obligations on both the data exporter and the data importer.
  2. Requirements and obligations for using SCCs: organisations must incorporate SCCs into their contracts when transferring personal data to a non-adequate country. They must ensure that the SCCs are unaltered and comply with the GDPR requirements. The obligations include maintaining the confidentiality and security of the data, providing rights for data subjects, and facilitating data protection authorities‘ oversight.

Binding Corporate Rules (BCRs)

  1. Definition and purpose of BCRs: Binding Corporate Rules (BCRs) are internal rules and policies adopted by multinational organisations to ensure the protection of personal data transferred within their group of companies. BCRs provide a framework for consistent data protection standards and allow intra-group transfers to countries without an adequacy decision.
  2. Process and requirements for implementing BCRs: Implementing BCRs involves a complex and rigorous process. Organisations must develop and submit their BCRs for approval by the relevant data protection authority. BCRs must demonstrate a commitment to high-level data protection standards, include binding commitments, and provide mechanisms for individuals to exercise their rights.

Derogations for specific situations

  1. Explanation of derogations under Article 49 of GDPR: Article 49 of the GDPR allows for derogations or exceptions to the general prohibition of transferring personal data outside the EU without adequate safeguards. Derogations are specific situations where a transfer may still be permissible if certain conditions are met.
  2. Examples of specific situations where derogations may apply: Derogations may apply in situations such as explicit consent from the data subject, the necessity of the transfer for the performance of a contract, protection of vital interests, legal claims, public interest, or the transfer being necessary for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims. However, derogations should be used sparingly, and organisations must assess the specific circumstances and ensure that adequate safeguards are in place.

Understanding the legal bases for international data transfers under the GDPR, including adequacy decisions, SCCs, BCRs, and derogations, is crucial for organisations to ensure compliant and secure data transfers while upholding individuals’ privacy rights.

Key Frameworks for International Data Transfers

EU-U.S. Privacy Shield

  1. Overview of the Privacy Shield framework: The EU-U.S. Privacy Shield was a framework that allowed for the transfer of personal data between the EU and participating organisations in the United States. It aimed to bridge the differences in data protection practices between the two jurisdictions by providing a mechanism for organisations to self-certify their adherence to privacy principles approved by the European Commission.
  2. Requirements and obligations for participating organisations: Organisations participating in the Privacy Shield had to meet certain requirements and obligations. This included committing to comply with the Privacy Shield Principles, such as notice, choice, accountability for onward transfer, security, data integrity, and access. Participating organisations were subject to enforcement by the U.S. Department of Commerce and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

European Commission’s Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs)

  1. Explanation of the SCCs as a framework for international transfers: The European Commission’s Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs) are contractual provisions approved by the European Commission that enable organisations to transfer personal data from the EU to non-adequate countries. SCCs provide a ready-made framework for data exporters and importers to establish contractual safeguards to protect personal data during the transfer.
  2. Updates and revisions to the SCCs: The European Commission released updated SCCs in 2021 to align them with the GDPR’s requirements and the Court of Justice of the European Union’s (CJEU) Schrems II ruling. The revised SCCs include provisions addressing the transfer of personal data to processors, obligations for onward transfers, and enhanced data protection measures. These updates aim to enhance the protection of personal data in cross-border transfers.

Binding Corporate Rules (BCRs)

  1. Role of BCRs in facilitating international transfers: Binding Corporate Rules (BCRs) are internal policies and rules adopted by multinational organisations to ensure consistent data protection standards for transfers within their corporate group. BCRs provide a framework for organisations to demonstrate their commitment to protecting personal data when transferring it across borders.
  2. Benefits and challenges of implementing BCRs: Implementing BCRs offers several benefits, such as enabling seamless intra-group transfers without the need for additional legal mechanisms, demonstrating compliance with data protection regulations, and fostering trust among stakeholders. However, implementing BCRs can be a complex and resource-intensive process, requiring coordination among different entities within the organisation and obtaining approval from relevant data protection authorities.

Understanding these key frameworks for international data transfers, such as the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield, SCCs, and BCRs, is crucial for organisations involved in cross-border data transfers. By utilising these frameworks, organisations can ensure that personal data is adequately protected during international transfers while complying with the GDPR’s requirements and maintaining trust in their data handling practices.

Recent Developments and Challenges

Schrems II ruling and its impact on international data transfers

The Schrems II ruling, issued by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) in July 2020, had a significant impact on international data transfers. The ruling invalidated the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield framework, stating that it did not provide adequate protections for personal data transferred from the EU to the U.S. It also reinforced the requirements for using Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs) and emphasised the need for organisations to assess the level of protection in the recipient country.

Post-Schrems II alternatives for transferring data to non-adequate countries

Following the invalidation of the Privacy Shield, organisations have sought alternative mechanisms to transfer personal data to non-adequate countries. This includes an increased reliance on SCCs, which are now subject to stricter scrutiny in light of the Schrems II ruling. Organisations are required to conduct case-by-case assessments of the recipient country’s legal framework and provide additional safeguards if necessary, such as encryption, pseudonymization, or additional contractual clauses.

Data localization requirements and their implications on international transfers

Data localisation requirements, which mandate that personal data be stored or processed within a specific jurisdiction, pose challenges for international data transfers. Some countries have introduced laws and regulations requiring organisations to keep personal data within their borders. These requirements can hinder the free flow of data and impose additional compliance burdens on organisations seeking to transfer data across borders.

Other emerging challenges and considerations for international data transfers

Aside from the Schrems II ruling and data localisation requirements, there are other emerging challenges and considerations for international data transfers. These include:

  1. Regulatory landscape: Organisations must navigate the evolving data protection and privacy regulations in different jurisdictions, ensuring compliance with multiple legal frameworks and addressing potential conflicts between them.
  2. Emerging markets and new regulations: As organisations expand into emerging markets, they encounter new regulations that may differ from established frameworks. Understanding and adapting to these new regulations is crucial to ensuring compliant data transfers.
  3. Technological advancements: Rapid technological advancements, such as cloud computing and artificial intelligence, pose challenges for international data transfers. Organisations need to assess the security and privacy implications of these technologies and ensure that appropriate safeguards are in place when transferring data internationally.
  4. Data breaches and security incidents: The increasing frequency and severity of data breaches and security incidents highlight the importance of implementing robust data protection measures and conducting due diligence on third-party recipients of personal data during international transfers.

Organisations engaging in international data transfers must stay abreast of these recent developments and challenges, adapt their data transfer practices accordingly, and seek legal and technical guidance to ensure compliance with the GDPR and other relevant regulations.


In conclusion, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has significantly impacted the landscape of international data transfers. With its emphasis on individual privacy rights and data protection, the GDPR has introduced key regulations and frameworks to govern the transfer of personal data across borders. Adequacy decisions, Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs), and Binding Corporate Rules (BCRs) serve as important legal bases for ensuring the lawful and secure transfer of personal data to non-adequate countries.

However, recent developments, such as the Schrems II ruling and data localisation requirements, have posed challenges and necessitated alternative approaches to international data transfers. Organisations must navigate these complexities, assess the level of protection in recipient countries, and implement additional safeguards when necessary. Additionally, staying informed about emerging challenges, such as evolving regulations, technological advancements, and data breaches, is crucial for maintaining compliant and secure international data transfer practices.

Overall, achieving compliance and upholding data privacy in international data transfers require ongoing vigilance, adaptability, and a thorough understanding of the GDPR and related frameworks. By prioritising privacy, organisations can foster trust, protect individuals’ rights, and navigate the global data economy in a responsible manner.