We strongly recommend that you schedule your graduation review meeting the semester before you anticipate the completion of your program to ensure you are on track to complete all of the graduation requirements for your pathway. Visit Advisement & Career Services at your respective campus to meet with an Academic & Career Advisor to ensure that you have met all necessary requirements to be eligible for graduation.
An Academic Requirement Report is the official record keeper of graduation requirements. This is different than an Academic MAP which is intended to help you organize in which order you should schedule your pathway/program requirements. An advisor will help you understand your academic requirements and ensure your academic MAP incorporates all graduation requirements. Reviewing these documents at least once per semester will ensure that making progress towards your requirements for graduation. Contact an advisor whenever you have concerns or questions about your requirements to make sure you stay on track!
MDC have several resources are designed to assist students, advisors, faculty, mentors, department chairs, staff with transfer planning. MDC has several articulation agreements with a variety of institutions to facilitate a smooth transfer experience. Review our Transfer Agreement website and discuss with your advisor how to incorporate transfer requirements into your MAP.
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